Surry Community College
Recent News About Surry Community College
Start Strong with Free 24/7 Tutoring
The Academic Support Center is offering free, 24/7 help, in-person or online!
Knights Grill Weekly Specials
The Knights Grill is a full service cafeteria located on our main campus and is open to the public.
Twelve Graduate from SCC Cosmetology Program
Twelve students recently graduated from the Cosmetology Program at Surry Community College.
Twelve Graduate from SCC Cosmetology Program
Twelve students recently graduated from the Cosmetology Program at Surry Community College.
Thirteen Graduate from SCC Practical Nursing Program
Thirteen graduates of Surry Community College’s Practical Nursing program were honored at a pinning ceremony.
2021 Fall Nurse Pinning Ceremony - Live Stream
Surry Community College will hold a Nursing Pinning Ceremony to honor and celebrate the achievements of their Practical Nursing students on Wednesday
SCC Nursing Students Complete Community Service Project
Candace Wilmoth, Nursing program student at Surry Community College, held a coat drive for children as her community service project.
SCC Faculty Member Earns Doctorate
Katie Bowman, Mathematics Instructor at Surry Community College, recently earned the Education Doctorate (Ed.D.) in Community College Leadership from North Carolina State University.
Surry Baseball Assists with Food Drive and Delivery
Nathan Childers and Jordan Searcy load food boxes as part of the Surry County Sheriff’s Office Food Drive and Delivery program.
PTK Honor Society Raises Funds for Hope Chapel Orphanage
The Alpha Xi Tau chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at Surry Community College raised over $3,000 for the Children at Hope Chapel Orphanage in Ghana, Africa, as their Honors in Action Project. This money allowed the orphanage to make repairs on their building.
Knights Grill Weekly Specials
The Knights Grill is a full service cafeteria located on our main campus and is open to the public.
Fifteen First Responders Graduate from Crisis Intervention Team Training
Fifteen local first responders recently graduated from Crisis Intervention Training at Surry Community College.
NC Longleaf Commitment Grant
With the North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant, money no longer has to be an obstacle to getting a good education that will get you hired.
Knights Grill Weekly Specials
The Knights Grill is a full service cafeteria located on our main campus and is open to the public.
Two Surry-Yadkin Works Students Sign On for HVAC Apprenticeship with Surry County Schools
Two recent high school graduates were honored at a Surry-Yadkin Works Apprenticeship signing, as they start HVAC apprenticeships at Surry County Schools. From left to right: Victor Hall, Dr. Travis Reeves and Wyatt Edwards.
2021 Southeastern United Grape and Wine Symposium
The 2021 Southeastern United Grape and Wine Symposium will feature "Connecting with Consumers:
SCC Hosts Firefighters from Peru and Colombia
Firefighters from Colombia and Peru received intensive hands-on training at Surry Community College’s Emergency Services Training Center in Dobson during a five-day Rapid Intervention Crew class.
Student Government Association at SCC to Host Spooktacular
The Student Government Association at Surry Community College is hosting an annual Halloween “Spooktacular” event on Oct. 26, from 5 to 7 p.m.
Jacob Haywood - Alumni Spotlight
Jacob Haywood of Westfield started the fall semester at North Carolina State University with 31 college credits from Surry Community College.
Caleb Gilley - Employee Spotlight
Caleb Gilley has been working as a Student Success Advisor at Surry Community College since summer 2020.