Yadkin County issued the following announcement on Nov 23.
Several North Carolina local governments and their Public Health Departments are conducting a research study in conjunction with the Center for Advanced Hindsight (CAH) at Duke University and the College of Design at North Carolina State University to understand people’s experiences and perceptions of COVID-19. The information gathered through the survey will be used to help inform local responses to COVID-19. The survey has been reviewed and approved by the Duke University Campus Institutional Research Board.
Participants will be asked to answer questions about their attitudes and opinions about COVID-19 and about the flu vaccination. They also will be asked to answer questions about themselves, like their age, gender and beliefs. Participants will be asked about the region of the state they live in, as well. Completing the survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes and responses are completely confidential. The survey is available in either English or Spanish.
I am asking for your help in sharing the survey within your community and with local partners and industry groups that can share it with their networks. The wider the distribution, the more information the project group will have to inform COVID-19 response efforts. Once the survey is complete, the Duke research team will be happy to share the survey results and analysis with you for use in your local response planning.
The survey is available here . For questions about the survey, please contact Joseph Sherlock at js92@duke.edu .
Original source: https://www.yadkincountync.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=266